Purchase of unwanted audio assets from decomissioned cutting areas.
May 2019-Post Production facility W1
Purchase of decomission assets from IT edit systems upgrade.
August 2019-Post Production facility-London
Purchase of speaker systems from decomissioned cinema areas.
March 2019-BBC Elstree
Purchase of redundant assets from decomissioned broadcast areas.
April 2018-TV News Channel-Park Royal London
Removal of unwanted IT and Broadcast assets from TV studios and Technical areas.
February 2018-BBC White City
Clearance of redundant assets due to departmental move
February 2017-TV Channel-SE London
Purchase of company assetts due to closure.
September 2017-Motivation Studios-North London
Purchase of redundant Video gear from Video areas.
January 2017-BBC Manchester
Purchase of redundant Audio AV kit from Salford Training areas.
June 2017-BBC Sites-West london
Purchase of office/recording area AV gear and redundant Studer Mixers from West London Studio Locations